How To FairMint?

Once a coin is created, FairMint starts the countdown from 8 hours.

The total supply of coins is 20 billion,50% of the total token supply will be allocated to participants, and the remaining 50% will be added to the liquidity pool (LP).

There are two ways to participate in FairMint:

  • 1st Method : NO DApp, Direct Transfer to CA

  • 2nd Method : EPUMP DAPP -

1. FairMint Main Process

Step 1: Send $ETH from your wallet to coin contract address.

Step 2: Wait for the FairMint event to end; the coin will then go list on Uniswap for trading.

Step 3: Send 0.001 ETH from your wallet to coin contract address to claim your coin.


1) The minimum single investment is 0.0001 ETH, with no maximum limit.

2) You can request a refund at any time before the coin starts trading. Send 0.0002 ETH from your wallet to the coin contract address, and $ETH you invested will be refunded to your wallet. This refund will incur a 2% protocol service fee.

3) The number of coins you receive = 50% of the total token supply * the amount of $ETH you sent / the total amount of $ETH raised.


1) Please do not directly withdraw $ETH from CEX to the coin CA; you must use your wallet to send $ETH!

2) Please confirm the chain network of the coin. If the chain network is incorrect, the $ETH will be lost!

2. How to add LP and Initiate Trading

After FairMint event ends, anyone can sends 0.0005 ETH to the coin contract address to automatically add raised funds to the DEX (Uniswap) LP and permanently locked in a lock-up contract.

3. How to Claim Remaining $ETH if Funds Raised Exceed the LPML(20ETH)

1) What is LPML (Liquidity Pool Maximum Limit)

LPML is the maximum amount of funds that can be added to the liquidity pool (LP), which has been uniformly set to 20ETH on Ethereum.

When the amount of raised $ETH is less than 20ETH, the LP will be funded with the actual amount of raised $ETH.

When the raised $ETH exceeds 20ETH, only 20ETH will be added to the LP, and the remaining $ETH will be pro-rate refunded to each participant in proportion to their contribution.

2) How to Claim the Extra $ETH?

After coin starts trading, send 0.0002 ETH from your wallet to the coin contract address to have the extra $ETH refunded to your wallet. This process incurs no fees and 0.0002 ETH you sent will be refunded as well.

4. 2nd Method: Participate in FairMint via DApp

In addition to sending $ETH from your wallet, we also offer a DApp. You can use the DApp to participate in FairMint and conduct transactions.

  1. Choose a coin you want to mint with on Epumpfun DAPP:

  2. Connect your Web3 Wallet

  3. Click [MINT] and enter $ETH amount you want to mint, then click [SEND]

  4. Wait until FairMint ending block is reached. If you want to refund before trading starts, click "Refund" button (-2% service fee is deducted)

  5. After ending block is reached, fair minting ends. Anyone can start transaction and LP will be automatically added and locked.

  6. Click [CLAIM] to claim your coin.

  7. If amount of funds raised exceed 20ETH, click [REFUND] to get a pro-rate refund.

Last updated