EPUMP's Advantages

Three Main Advantages of Epumpfun: FAIR, SECURE, FUN!


  • 50% FairMint- 50% added to LP

When a coin is created, FairMint event is simultaneously initiated. Participants can invest funds ($ETH) to receive initial coin allocation.

After FairMint ends, 50% of the total coin supply will be distributed to participants based on the proportion of funds they invested; the other 50% of the coins will be automatically added LP.

This rule ensures fairness of the initial coin distribution.

  • No pre-allocation

Creator does not reserve any coins and, like all players, can only obtain coins through the FairMint event.

  • No front-running, no worries of bots snipers

In the FairMint event, participants are not prioritized based on time, and there is no limit on the amount of funds a single user can invest.

This rule effectively prevents front running and renders sniper bots useless.


Through FairMint launching method, eliminates front-running and bot snipers, MEME coins will gain greater trust from the community, attract more attention, and encourage more members to participate in the development.


  • No rugs, LP automatically and permanently locked

After FairMint ended, raised funds will be automatically added to DEX (Uniswap) liquidity pool and permanently locked in a smart contract. This is executed by Rocket Protocol's smart contracts, preventing any possibility of a rug pull.

  • Funds kept in coin smart contract

Please note that all funds are held within the community-created coin contract, not on the Epumpfun platform.

No one, including the creator, can transfer the funds.

This technology protects the community from risk of platform vulnerabilities and creator fraud.

  • Audited by top contract auditor

Rocket Protocol has passed security audit by the top auditing firm Cyberscope, which has also audited several large meme projects such as BONK and WIF. The contract has been reviewed and tested by many, so you can use it with no worries.


Technical security is the most important foundation! Epumpfun provides multiple layers of security for MEME through its rules, processes, and fund safety measures.


  • Easy to participate, just transfer $ETH to token CA

Fair minting in Epumpfun is very easy: participants only need to send $ETH to the coin smart contract address (CA), and it can even be done without using a DApp.

  • Creator earns LP transaction fee revenue

Although the LP is permanently locked, the creator can collect LP transaction fees.

LP revenue rights are transferable. LP revenue is minted as an NFT (UL-V3LP), which is airdropped to the creator’s address. If the NFT is transferred, the LP revenue rights are transferred as well.

With this revenue, creators are more motivated to invest in long-term community development.

  • Encourage co-building, make memes more fun!

Using Epumpfun, you can quickly launch your own ideas. Creators don’t need coding skills and can focus on developing strong IP and community.


The rules are fair, the technology is secure, participation is easy, and creators have long-term fee revenue, more interesting memes will emerge.

Last updated